TROPICO conducts case studies on various dynamics and aspects of the digital transformation of public administrations in Europe over its project duration. This online case study repository gives access to all our empirical research in a condensed format. Please contact or the case study author for further information.
The first full-scale project with telemedicine in Denmark

TeleCare Nord was initiated in January 2012 by the Region of Northern Jutland in Denmark. The collaboration focused on telemedicine for patients suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The project ran to June 2015 and was the first full scale project with telemedicine in Denmark (TeleCare Nord, 2015). The collaboration involved an executive project secretariat, a steering group, a business committee and four working groups, and included the Region of Northern Jutland,…
Read MoreRKG Agder: Leadership involvement and ICT-enabled structure for collaboration within eHealth in Norway

Ensuring innovative collaboration and working in an effective, environmentally-friendly way, is one of the main objectives of the RKG, and information and communication technology (ICT) has played a very important role in ensuring successful collaboration. Since its establishment in 2016, most of its meetings have been organised digitally. The digital working practices enabled functioning of RKG’s structure, centred around involvement of the leadership-level representatives of Agder’s regions (municipalities). Heads of Municipal Affairs representing…
Read MoreWaste management in the City of Tallinn – improving quality through increased local government role

Waste management in Tallinn is organised through a collaboration between several public and private sector organisations. The central role is held by the Tallinn Waste Centre who coordinate day-to-day activities as the representative of the city of Tallinn through activities including mediating the negotiation and management of contracts between the clients and the waste collectors, determining the best routes within the managed city districts, processing complaints, and conducting supervision activities. The data exchange facilitated…
Read MoreGovernment Cloud services for First Aid exams, Hungary

The procedure for obtaining a driver’s licence in Hungary involves multiple interactions with both governmental and non-governmental agencies. In the light of the country’s e-governance strategy, the collaborations around the creation of driving licences have been reformed with legislation that came into force on 1st of February 2021. The objective is to reduce the burden of bureaucracy for citizens, to provide prompt transfer of data between the relevant agencies, and to provide a higher…
Read MoreHungary: a systematic collaboration of volunteer and professional fire units

Although Hungary, as a country with a centralized public administration maintains national professional fire services, recent policy changes brought a large increase in the number of volunteer fire brigades, and an enhancement of their competences. The National Directorate General for Disaster Management (NDGDM) introduced the new status of ‘Responding Volunteer Fire Brigades’ (RFVB) for volunteer groups that could satisfy the strict eligibility criteria. By the end of 2020, 58 volunteer brigades had…
Read MoreNeteland: five Flemish municipalities take collaboration to the next level

Neteland is a collaborative service delivery arrangement between five Flemish municipalities. Collaboration is viewed as a key mechanism to increase the efficiency of public service delivery in the region and to groom the involved municipalities to better tackle potential future challenges local governments will have to deal with. In accordance with the Neteland police district, the Neteland municipal region was used in 2016 as a starting point for intensive municipal collaboration. The collaboration currently…
Read MoreShared services – “less administrative burden, lower costs, more legal certainty” – an award-winning joint procurement centre in the German district of Groß-Gerau

Against the backdrop of burgeoning public deficits and pressing infrastructure challenges typical of a rapidly growing population, in 2013, the district of Groß-Gerau in the German federal state of Hesse, adopted inter-municipal collaboration (IMC) as a key approach for sustainability and prosperity of its 14 member cities and municipalities. Since then, it has successively expanded its collaboration portfolio. This process has also put forth an award-winning joint procurement centre that has centralised procurement for…
Read MoreThe guichet SUD THD: an e-counter linking local authorities and private operators for the deployment of optical fibre in the South of France

The development of electronic solutions for many aspects of daily life has turned the deployment of optical fibre into a crucial matter, including in remote, mountainous and lightly populated territories such as the Région Sud in France. These characteristics make the deployment of optical fibre difficult and economically unprofitable. To address this issue, local authorities set up a collaborative arrangement – SUD THD – a syndicate that aimed at coordinating investments in electronic and…
Read MoreThe Effects of Collaboration for Government Efficiency in Belgium – The Case of PoWalCo

The PoWalCo (Plateform wallonne de coordination des chantiers) online platform is a digital tool that aims at facilitating collaborations among actors such as utility companies and public authorities who work on roads and waterways in the Walloon Region in Belgium. Through the online platform, actors can exchange information about the planning, coordination, and authorization of the worksites on the Walloon roads and waterways. In this way, repeated public works on the same stretch of…
Read An online petition platform for all Norwegian municipalities and regions

“”, founded in January 2013, is an online petition tool that can be used for the submission of petitions at the regional and municipal level within the framework of §39a of the Norwegian Municipal Act. Paragraph 39a guarantees the citizens of Norway that local and regional legislative bodies have to deal with the petitioners’ proposal if at least two per cent of the population signed a petition. If the municipality has 15,000 residents or more,…
Read MoreCollaboration around ‘work practices’ in Estonia

The case of ‘work practices’ in Estonia is a service targeted at people out of employment for a long time or with no earlier working experience, allowing them to benefit from learning and acting in a group, and helping the long-term unemployed to keep up their motivation, and to find out more about themselves and their opportunities at the labour market (Töötukassa 2020). In 2018, the provision of work practices saw a considerable systemic…
Read More‘Fair Start Scotland’ in the Forth Valley, the United Kingdom

Fair Start Scotland (FSS) is the Scottish Government’s voluntary employment support programme that aims to help the long-term unemployed (more than two years), with complex and enduring health needs, improve their employment opportunities. It aims to provide a tailored, coherent range of support, which can respond flexibly to meet the individual needs of people and their employers and make the best use of resources (Scottish Government 2019). In particular, the Fair Start Scotland in…
Read MoreTemporary working experience in Courtrai, Belgium

The temporary working experience (TWE) in Flanders is an example of a policy instrument introduced to activate long-term unemployed people. Activation instruments in Flanders are mainly coordinated by the Flemish public employment service (PES), which also is responsible for the TWE service design. The Flemish PES collaborated with the Flemish Association of Cities and Municipalities to design the temporary working experience. Compared to the old article, which is still the legal basis of the…
Read MoreHelmond and OZO verbindzorg, Netherlands

The Helmond and OZO verbindzorg pilot project focuses on empowering citizens’ self-reliant abilities and participation, with the aim of helping long-term unemployed citizens to find a new job based on their skills and on a permanent contract and for a chosen duration (Gemeente Helmond, 2017). The formal goals of the Helmond initiative were simple, according to the interviewed respondents: To develop a new digital infrastructure that would allow the municipality to support the newly…
Read More‘Cohesive citizen plans’ in the municipality of Furesø, Denmark

The ‘Cohesive citizen plans’ (sammenhængende borgerforløb, henceforth the CCP) initiative was launched in 2016 in the municipality of Furesø located close to Copenhagen. The CCP aims to strengthen collaboration, firstly, within the various administrations involved in services that target citizens with complex problems (long-term unemployment, physical and mental health, substance abuse problems, parenting, etc.) and, secondly, between the municipality and the citizen. Citizens with complex problems are normally the responsibility of several different administrations…
Read MoreTallinn SUMP, implementing a holistic mindset for regional urban mobility planning in the capital region of Estonia

Tallinn Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (henceforth Tallinn SUMP) reflects an attempt to overhaul the existing urban mobility framework. The project was initiated due to interest of key individuals from the Tallinn City Transport Department, Road Administration and Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications. Through Tallinn SUMP, the citizen perspective is taken as the basis for designing an optimised reasonable substitute for private car transportation. Tallinn SUMP began with a series of support surveys in…
Read MoreSAMPA, Spain

The SAMPA project[1] has been implemented at the outpatient pharmacy unit at the University Hospital Miguel Servet (HUMS) in order to improve adherence to treatment, efficiency in drug management, accessibility to the Outpatient Dispensing Unit and patient care, as well as reducing the error rate in the processes of medical prescription, pharmaceutical validation, dispensing and administration of medicines to outpatients. Most of these objectives could not have been achieved without the development of new…
Read MoreSmart Dementia project, the Netherlands

The project concerns the development and testing of a tracking technology which allows the possibility for dementia patients to walk around more freely. The whole process is organized and managed by Tante Louise, a large care organisation that has several departments in different locations (in total, Tante Louise has more than 1100 residents, mostly elderly people above 80 years old). The eHealth technology (a wristwatch and app with which the whereabouts of the patients…
Read MoreSmart Diaper project, the Netherlands

The project concerns the further development of a Smart Diaper, as an innovation in elderly care. The system (Abena Nova, as Abena is the firm that developed the mechanism) is a sensor system. It consist of charcoal elements built in the diaper. A clip collects and sent the data to a central server. This sends messages to a smartphone and can be consulted online. The system was already tested by Philadephia (a care organisation)…
Read MoreMobile health technology for women with osteoporosis

The ‘Mobile health technology for women with osteoporosis’ project started in 2015 and was completed in 2018. The purpose of Mobile health technology for women with osteoporosis (hereafter dubbed the osteoporosis app) was to develop a mobile application that could help patients process their results from bone scans and promote patient self-care and empowerment. Osteoporosis is a chronic condition, where the bone mass/density deteriorates to such a degree that it increases the risk of…
Read MorePGO in de Regio, the Netherlands

In 2018, The Lage land Hospital together with a number of partners started a project which was aimed to create a personal health environment for patients (PGO= Persoonlijke Gezondheids Omgeving) with better information exchange that would benefit patients. With a PGO, patients are able to access their medical data at one place and share and manage their data. In this way, both the patient and the health provider can see (changes in) the status…
Read MoreTrack AI, Spain

The objective of the Track AI project ( is to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) into the DIVE medical device[1] so it can “estimate the probability of the patient having a certain pathology”. The innovation was created due to the difficulty in exploring the visual function (e.g. vision) among children, but it can be used for both collaborative and non-collaborative patients (i.e. patients who are able to collaborate with physicians as opposed to patients –…
Read MorePolycare, Spain

The purpose of the Polycare Project was “to develop and test an integrated care model, patient-centred, supported by the use of advanced ICT systems and services that allows the monitoring and care of older chronic patients in acute phases at home”. The project tried to achieve this objective by developing a collaborative website between stakeholders to facilitate the transmission of information, create personalized apps and patient wearables, and develop a decision support system. The…
Read MoreMasterMind, Spain

The objective of the MasterMind project was “to make high quality treatment for depression more widely available for adults suffering from the illness by the use of ICT” ( Collaboration by 23 partners framed in a European H2020 project was created in order to accomplish this objective. There were four core Spanish partners participating in this project, belonging to four different Spanish regions. They decided to join forces and create a partnership to implement…
Read MoreProactive service provision for disabled people, Estonia

The ‘Proactive service provision for disabled people’ project started out in 2018 and was implemented in 2020. The objective of the project was to automate the process of application for disability in an effort to reduce personnel resource costs (as application review is a very time-consuming process for physicians involved in the review) for the Social Insurance Board and simplify the current application system for users. Currently, individuals first apply for disability and only…
Read MoreCoNurse, Estonia

The CoNurse project was initiated in 2017 and the solution was implemented in 2018. The objective of the project was to reduce human-resulted errors in carrying out standard nursing procedures. Cognuse detected a need for it in Estonian health care through interactions with the North Estonia Medical Centre (henceforth NEMC), as there was a lack of necessary tools for supporting health care professionals. Cognuse is a private company building ICT solutions for healthcare professionals…
Read MoreCentralised digital patient registration, Estonia

The centralized digital patient registration project is part of a wider eHealth initiative in Estonia that revolves around the efficiency of patient movement between different health care providers through the centralised digital patient registration, digital referrals and also e-consultation. These different initiatives are meant to operate in conjunction, as they have limited impact in isolation. The solutions operating together are meant to reduce waiting times for citizens and reduce costs for both health care…
Read MorePatient Reported Outcome Measures, Denmark

The purpose of the collaboration “Patient Reported Outcome Measures in a mobile application” (henceforth “PROM”) was to improve patient-hospital communication through the development and test of a mobile application that makes it possible for patients to report their progress after surgery from home and for the clinical staff to gain a quick overview of the patients’ condition. The project took place at a university hospital in the Southern Region of Denmark, specifically in four…
Read MoreDysphagia E-learning: The Danish case of e-learning innovation

The Dysphagia E-learning project was initiated in 2013 with a pre-study phase. The purpose of Dysphagia E-learning was to develop new innovative solutions for health professionals and patients that can prevent deaths, pneumonia and malnutrition for patients and citizens with dysphagia. Dysphagia refers to a condition where a person has difficulties swallowing (food, drinks and saliva). If untreated and/or undetected, it can lead to risk of suffocation, pneumonia, dehydration and malnutrition. The project was…
Read MoreNursing home Booghuys, Belgium

The nursing home Booghuys, part of the city of Leuven, provides care for elderly people. In 2016, it was decided that the nursing home needed some renovations. The involved actors worked out some concepts for the renovations and did several working visits to other nursing homes. However, in June of 2017, the involved actors decided that the renovations would not fulfil the wishes of residents and staff, and they eventually worked out a concept…
Read MoreMijnWGK, Belgium

MijnWGK is an online data platform that allows an efficient access of health information of WGK[1] clients for general practitioners (GPs) and the clients themselves. WGK exists of five provincial non-profits which all have access to patient information. However, before MijnWGK, the GPs who treated the WGK patients had no access to this information. This information might be crucial for the GP to take decisions about the medical conditions of the patient. The WGKs…
Read MoreMijnGezondheid, Belgium

MijnGezondheid is a partnership between more than twenty public and private actors, who implemented a portal website between 2017 and 2018, with which a citizen would be able to access his/her medical information more efficiently. The portal website is connected with different other databases to redirect the user (via single sign-on) to the right database, without the need for exchange of the data itself. The creation of a Personal Health system (such as MijnGezondheid)…
Read MoreEvidence-based practice, Belgium

This case study is about the implementation of an evidence-based practice (EBP) architecture where guidelines and information can be shared and where applications can be connected for the network members to use. The Belgian EBP is oriented towards the development, validation, dissemination and evaluation of medical guidelines for health practitioners. This entails ten health care professions: GPs, nurses, occupational therapists, dentists, dieticians, pharmacists, physiotherapists, speech therapists, midwifes and podiatrists. These medical guidelines ensure health…
Read MoreBurenondersteuning, Belgium

The project ‘Burenondersteuning’[1] was a collaboration between different cities and private partners from late 2018 until early 2020 to develop a system that connects neighbours to help each other with small tasks and to remedy loneliness. The project had several objectives. First, the project wanted to tackle loneliness among citizens by providing a network of neighbours with whom citizens could interact. Second, the network of neighbours would also provide assistance in carrying out small…
Read MoreThe Employment Registry project, ensuring a single coherent set of employment data for each individual through collaboration in Estonia

The Employment Registry is a unique solution for gathering employment data that keeps the amount of employment information which needs to be submitted to the minimum, whilst ensuring the maximum quality of the collected data. Through this Registry, public sector organisations receive information necessary for various services and processes, such as applying for unemployment benefits or health insurance or reducing the amount of unaccounted labour. The collaboration enabled the actors to understand holistically how…
Read MoreAntwerp’s Smart City Policy. Implementing Smart City projects in a living urban lab

With its Smart City policy, the city of Antwerp put forward the ambition to join the top tier of European Smart Cities. A vision document was adopted by the City Council in 2017, delineating the following five priorities: smart governance, smart mobility, smart energy and materials, smart security and smart citizens. Prior to this vision document, in 2016, the City of Antwerp had agreed to a covenant with the world-renowned research centre IMEC. The…
Read MoreCollaborating in Europe’s leading living lab for Smart City-services: the case of Danish Outdoor Lighting Living Lab (DOLL)

DOLL (Danish Outdoor Lighting Lab) is Europe’s largest test field, showroom, and innovation hub within the field of intelligent lighting. Its living lab is located in the suburban municipality of Albertslund, located some 15 kilometres west of Copenhagen. DOLL is based on a partnership between various public actors – the municipality of Albertslund, the Danish Technical University (DTU) and the regional partnership promoting green transition Gate 21, which is also located in Albertslund. The…
Read MoreBristol is Open – A joint venture delivering a Smart City of the future

The case study examines a joint venture between Bristol City Council and the University of Bristol in the UK. Bristol is Open (BiO) aims at delivering research contributing to the development of a Smart City and “deploying a city-scale open and programmable testbed for experimentation and digital innovation” (Bristol City Council, 2016: 55). BiO started in April 2015 with both partners having equal shares in the company, but the collaboration ended in December 2019…
Read MoreDigitalstadt Darmstadt. A collaborative network and its structural backbone

The programme Digitalstadt Darmstadt evolved as a result of winning a 2017 Bitkom competition to create a German “digital model city with international appeal” (Bitkom e.V., 2020). Motivated by this success, the city of Darmstadt has further been supported by several private and public sponsors such as Deutsche Telekom and the German Federal State of Hesse with the goal to develop into a lively and experimental space for designing and testing Smart City technologies.…
Read MoreThe Digitisation and Modernisation of the Belgian Civil Registry: A transition from a decentralized paper system to a centralized digital database

The Belgian Civil Registry contains information about the legal identity of all citizens. The launch of its digitisation in March 2019 meant the transition from a decentralised paper system that was in use since Napoleonic times to a centralised database that could be accessed from anywhere. A centralised digital database would enhance trustworthiness and enable information exchange between municipalities, courts and other databases. A multitude of actors were included in this complex collaborative process,…
Read MoreTowards transboundary access to public services in the EU: The Danish implementation of the eIDas Regulation 2014 (eIDAS Reg. 2014)

The overall aim of the eIDAS Reg. 2014 is to further consolidate the EU’s internal market for the production and exchange of goods, capital, labour and, most importantly, services. More precisely, it seeks to: ‘enhance trust in electronic transactions in the internal market by providing a common foundation for secure electronic interaction between citizens, businesses and public authorities, thereby increasing the effectiveness of public and private online services, electronic business and electronic commerce in…
Read MoreGovernment as a Platform – Working across departments to deliver smarter public services

This case study examines the collaboration between the Government Digital Service (GDS), a unit of the UK Government’s Cabinet Office, and various UK Government departments, in implementing and delivering ‘Government as a Platform’ (GaaP). GaaP aims to change the way government services are built, organised, and provided, by designing them in blocks dedicated to one specific function. Designed in such a way, it is easier to fix, upgrade, share, and scale components up. Moreover,…
Read MoreImplementing the Online Access Act (OAA) in Germany: A Unique Collaborative Effort to Advance Online Public Services in the German Federal System

This case study describes the set up and collaboration dynamic of the Online Access Act (OAA) (Onlinezugangsgesetz). The OAA was enacted in August 2017 as a result of increasing dissatisfaction among policy makers and administrators with the slow progress of government digitalisation in Germany over the last decade. The act obliges all levels of government to offer their public services online through a single digital gateway by the year 2022. Widely understood as turning…
Read MoreDigital democracy experimentation: the Case of the Stem van West tool in Amsterdam

The ‘Stem van West’ project (translated ‘the Voice of West’, hereafter referred to as SvW) is a digital tool that facilitates the policy-making process of the neighborhood council of Amsterdam-West. Citizens of the neighborhood can vote on plans, voice their concerns, and upload ideas and proposals themselves. If an idea on the platform’s interface surpasses the threshold of 100 positive votes within three months, the proposal will be put on the monthly agenda of…
Read MoreParlement & Citoyens: an online platform connecting citizens and lawmakers for policy design in France

Parlement & Citoyens (P&C) is an online platform “enabling citizens and legislators to work together to find solutions to [France’s] problems”. This website is a private e-participation initiative. The French context is characterized by a high e-participation index and a high-level of citizens’ mistrust toward political elites. These conditions should contribute to the development of participatory democracy and the success of initiatives such as P&C. However, since 2013, French politicians used the platform only…
Read MoremeinBerlin: An integrative eParticipation platform for all administrative levels in Berlin

„meinBerlin” is the central eParticipation platform of the state of Berlin. Citizen participation procedures of all administrative units shall be realised via this platform, which makes meinBerlin the central ‘point of contact’ for all participation processes in Berlin. Various types of eParticipation initiatives can be conducted on the platform, including e.g. development plan procedures, public surveys, open debates and collective brainstorming. Currently, 44 different authorities and subordinate organisations can conduct consultations on meinBerlin, including…
Read MoreDecide Madrid: A Case Study on E-Participation

Decide Madrid (DM) is the first e-participation platform that allows citizens, associations, NGOs and companies to be involved in the policy cycle in Madrid municipality. DM was launched in 2015 and allows citizens to make proposals, vote in citizen consultations, propose participatory budget projects, decide on municipal regulations and open debates to exchange opinions with others. DM received the 2018 United Nations Public Service Award in the Category “Making institutions inclusive and ensuring participation…
Read MoreWe asked, you said, we did: an e-participation practice in the UK

We asked, you said, we did is a feature of the platform called Citizen Space. It provides a mechanism for how citizens/stakeholders responses (You said) to an e-consultation (We asked) have been considered in the policy-making process (We did). It is provided by the private company Delib to more than 110 diverse organisations around the world (mainly in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand) including national and state governments, local authorities, healthcare, utilities, police, regulators…
Read MoreParticipatory Parliamentarism: the Case of the Estonian Citizens’ Initiative Portal

The Estonian Citizens’ Initiative portal (ECIP) is an e-participatory instrument allowing individuals to submit collective addresses to the parliament via an online platform. This encompasses proposing new ideas for laws and policies or suggesting changes to existing laws and policies. The e-participation portal is formally institutionalized through a cluster of laws and regulations addressing the processes pertaining to the platform, thus making it procedurally binding for the parliament. The formal proprietor of the portal…
Read MoreThe National Adaptation Geo-Information System and its Effect on Collaboration and Policy Design in Hungary

The National Adaptation Geo-Information System (NAGiS) was launched in 2016 after three years of intensive cooperation among several units at different levels and sectors in the Hungarian public administration as well as foreign actors (the EEA Fund and the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning). Observed changes in climate conditions and the political processes triggered by these changes have led to demands for local, regional and national adaptation strategies. The fulfillment…
Read MoreeNAP: An Electronic Sustainability Assessment Tool for the Ministerial Bureaucracy in Germany

In the spring of 2018, the German government introduced a web-based tool called eNAP that aims to facilitate and improve the sustainability impact assessment (SIA) as conducted for new laws and regulations, and that can be used by ministry officials and policy makers to carry out the SIA. In Germany, evaluating potential environmental, economic and social consequences of legislative drafts is mandatory since 2009. The SIA is the first of several regulatory impact assessments…
Read MorePleio: An Open Source Collaboration Platform for Public Administrations and Public Policy in The Netherlands

At the beginning of 2011 Pleio was officially launched. The platform started out small, as some sort of a social media side project owned by a select group of Dutch public servants. Over the last eight years, however, the ICT tool has experienced a strong expansion and professionalization. By the start of 2019 the platform had over 400.000 users, spread over more than 100 public organizations. The different Pleio applications address both policy design…
Read MoreChorus: An Integrated Financial Information System for Policy Design in France

Chorus is the financial information system (FIS) of central state administrations in France. Chorus’ scope is wide: from 2007, it has gradually been expanded to all ministerial departments. Its topic is highly sensitive because it deals with state finances and is the main application that public administrations use for this matter. Chorus is a case of an unlikely successful inter-ministerial collaboration for policy design as previous attempts to introduce similarly collaborative inter-ministerial ICT applications…
Read MoreSocial Media Coordination in Norwegian Ministries – The Case of Digit

In 2015, an inter-ministerial working group was formed under the Prime Minister’s Office, comprised of communication advisors from Norwegian ministries, in order to coordinate and stimulate increased usage of social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter at the ministry-level as “Digit”. Social media represents a novel platform for disseminating information and it allows government bureaucracies to engage with citizens in a more direct manner. Accordingly, government bureaucracies increasingly make use of social media…
Read MoreNational consultations: A mix of old and new technology in Hungary

The Hungarian National Consultation website is an online platform that allows Hungarian citizens to submit answers to sets of questions posed by the government. “National Consultations” have been organized with some regularity since the Fidesz party came into power in 2010. They started as paper-based questionnaires sent out by mail to all households in the country, but recent consultations have added a web-based option. While several private companies were involved in the development and…
Read MoreDigital Transformation in German Multi-Level Governance – The Case of Digitalisation Labs on “Immigration and Emigration”

At present, the digital administrative landscape in Germany has been dominated by isolated solutions and the German Online Access Act (OZG) seeks to support harmonisation and better collaboration by creating uniform standards across administrative levels. It obliges the federal administration, the Länder and the municipalities to offer their administrative services digitally by the end of 2022. So far, 575 services are affected by this law, most of which are carried out by the Länder…
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